Are we just a spec in the Milky Way?

Dr. Cameron Ahmad
2 min readDec 1, 2023


This is Cameron Ahmad. I am passionate about the subject of Physics by virtue of holding three degrees in it, one UG and two PG.

I have found it is the most fascinating subject but students feel it is challenging due to the mathematics and equations that weave its laws and theories. However, remember Physics is happening all around us 24x7x365 starting from the beating of our heart. For a moment just set aside its mathematics or equations, and absorb Physical happenings by watching and experiencing all around you. Albert Einstein did it through “thought experiment” by which he explained the Theory of Relativity!

The Space X program of Elon Musk has its mission to make humans reach Mars. Hence, Space X has been making vital contributions to exploring space around us. On a moonless night when we look above in the sky, what we see are thousands of stars. These stars appear to be floating in what is called “space”!

There is a myth about what we witness with our naked eyes. In Greek mythology, its goddess Hera spread “milk across the sky”, when we look at it. It gives a spilled milk color! Among scientists, it is this that is called the Milky Way galaxy. See the NASA Photo of the Milky Way galaxy below.
Its size is not measured in the normal kilometers unit we use on Earth. Rather, it is in “light-years”! Meaning the distance light would travel in 1 year. So, the diameter of the Milky Way spiral is about 100, 000 light years!
Wondering how this number has been reached. For that, you will have to go back to recall the speed of light (3xE+5 Km/Sec) and multiply it by the total seconds in a year (~3xE+7 secs). Interesting, isn’t it?

On comparing this huge size of the Milky Way with the average height of a man (~1.75 meters) on this earth, every human being will indeed appear to be just a spec! To figure out further, we may have to know how it came into existence, and how are we connected with it, if at all we do. Interesting, isn’t it? So, let us try to unravel this mystery as we have been hearing that name or term often from our secondary school days.

NASA Image of the Milky Way
NASA Image of the Milky Way

Let us stop here to unravel the mystery about space, and the areas under focus by the scientists of the world today.

Bye for now till we meet again!



Dr. Cameron Ahmad

B. Sc (Hon) in Physics, M. Sc (Biophysics & Electronics). M. Tech (Applied Optics), PhD (Engineering Science), PMP, RDCS, DMS, CET, AScT, CTDP & CECC